- 1 Yard of stretch fabric. I suggest looking in the dance fabric section. You want some seriously stretchy fabric so it will hug all the right curves.
- Matching Thread. I used embroidery thread to match the sheen of my fabric
- 1/4 inch elastic
- Stretch Needle
- Even Feed Foot (highly recommended, but not a requirement)
- Trim (Fluffy, lacey, feathery, etc. Whatever you like!)
- Tiny Bow for bust area
Step 1.
Measure your waist and the length from the top of your bust to where you want your hem.
Step 2.
Add 2 inches to waist measurement and divide total in half. Cut two pieces to match that measurement. So if your waist is 26 inches, your two pieces will be 14 inches wide. Add 1 inch to your length measurement for your back piece and 6 inches to your front piece. So if you want your lingerie to be 20 inches long, your cut the length of your back to 21 inches, and the from to 26 inches.
Step 3.
On wrong side of front piece, mark a line down the middle. This will guide your elastic. Cut 1 piece of elastic to the length of your finished lingerie (in our example, the elastic would be 20 inches). Pin one end of elastic 1/2 below top of front fabric on the wrong side.
Pin other end of elastic to bottom of front fabric. Stretch the rest of the elastic out along middle line to fit fabric. Sew with a zig zag stitch. Cut off any overhang fabric.
Step 4.
Place front and back pieces wrong sides together to create a French seam. Sew a ½ inch seam. To remove bulk, trim down the seam allowance of front piece.
Step 5.
Fold the seam allowance from the back piece over to encase the front seam and sew down. The closer you sew to the edge, the better.
Step 6.
To hem the top, turn the fabric under ¼ an inch using a zig zag stitch. Turn it under again (1/4 an inch) and repeat with a zig zag stitch. Repeat on the bottom of dress.
Step 7.
Feather trim is expensive, so instead I used some frilly yarn. To make your own trim, cut a 2 inch wide piece of tulle the same circumference of bottom of dress. Unwind the yarn and loop it back and forth over the tulle. Use a zigzag stitch and slightly pull on the tulle as you sew. Try to maintain the same width as you cross the yarn over and back again.
Step 8.
Fold trim in half and sew it to the wrong side of dress bottom.